Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dia -1097

O meu pode ter 1 metro e 90 e olhos azuis?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dia -1096

Senza commenti

essere abbracciato da te è come essere abbracciato dal mondo

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dia -1092

È arrivato... l'autunno

Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, 18/10

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Dia -1078

Vou às Termas*

* Não exactamente para ir às Termas, mas para trabalhar.

Ainda assim há-de haver tempo (oh se há-de!) para ser massajada.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Dia -1074


A minha estação preferida está a chegar.
Insinua-se lentamente nos meus ossos.
Se eu fosse outra pessoa, sabem?
O homem do café.
A mulher do prédio em frente.
A senhora da padaria que (até quando)
me chama menina.
Aquele rapaz muito alto de sorriso luminoso que às vezes vejo.
O homem que se perdeu um dia para os lados do mar.
A mulher que atravessa pontualmente a rua com uma garrafa na mão
e na cara as marcas da sífilis.
Insinua-se lentamente nos meus ossos.
O frio, não.
A solidão do inverno.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Dia -1073

Mais um para não ver as horas lá muito bem...

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Dia -1072

A Song For You, Goodbye

I’ve been in so many places in my life
in time
I’ve sang a lot of songs
I’ve made some bad rights
I acted out my life on stages
With ten thousand people watching
But we’re alone and I am singing this song for you
I know your image of me
is what I hope to be
I treated you unkindly
but baby can’t you see?
There is no one more important to me
so can you please see through me?
cause we’re alone and I am singing this song for you
You taught me precious secrets of the truth
with holding nothing
you came out in front
and I was hiding
but now I am so much better
and if my words don’t come together
listen to the melody
cause my love’s in there hiding
cause my love’s in there hiding
I love you in a place
where there’s no space or time
I love you for my life
you are a friend of mine
And when my life is over
remember when we were together
we’re alone and I was singing this song for you
I’ll never forget you
I’ll never forget you
I’ll never forget how we promise one day
to love one another forever that way
we said we’d never say goodbye
but that was long ago
and you’d forgotten, I know
no use to wonder why
let’s say farewell with a sigh
and let love die
But we will go on living
our own way of living
so you take the high road
I’ll take the long
It’s time that we parted
it’s much better so
so kiss me as you go

Shirley Horn – A Song For You, Goodbye

Friday, October 03, 2008

Dia -1070

Giro... Vedo gente... Mi muovo... Faccio delle cose...*

*Ou como responder correctamente à pergunta - o que fazes na vida?

(Ecce Bombo, de Nanni Moretti)

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Dia -1069

When I went out with this sociology major I became very bitter and pissed off and I don't know why but it had something to do with global multinational corporations...

so... never date a sociologist.

(ou as coisas que se aprendem com as Tales of Mere Existence, de Lev Yilmaz)